In traditional industries, especially apparel manufacturing, where equipment is complex and departmental needs are diverse, choosing the right supplier is as important as choosing a career path or life partner. The wrong choice of supplier can have a significant impact on product quality and productivity. Departmental priorities often vary:

  • Purchasing focuses on cost reduction;

  • Technical seeks top quality;

  • Management weighs intepersonal and diplomatic factors;

These differences often lead to internal conflicts, especially regarding delivery delays, poor after-sales service, parts shortages or quality issues, where later quality problems may outweigh initial cost savings.

This underscores the need for multi-level suppliers relationships, spanning from one-time transactions to deeper, long-term strategic partnerships. They may even progress to inter-company mergers or vertical integration. These different types of partnerships can provide various support and resource-sharing levels.

For frequently used or critical materials, companies should transition from short-term transactional relationships to more stable long-term, contractual, strategic, or full partnerships. This saves time, helps quickly identify the responsible party, and makes it easier to manage quality or delivery issues when they arise. Before selecting a supplier, companies should thoroughly evaluate the supplier through a cross-departmental internal evaluation team to ensure that the chosen supplier can meet the demand for high-risk or high-cost raw materials.

The global pandemic has accelerated digital adoption across industries, including traditional manufacturing. With rising automation in apparel production, companies must be more selective in their supplier partnerships. Machine integration and technical innovation have become critical. Apparel manufacturers must prioritize these qualities in suppliers to address production challenges and drive long-term growth.

7 Basic Factors in Selecting a Supplier

In the apparel industry, equipment is complex, and interconnectivity is the future. Data is presented visually on dashboards, and managers analyze the data in real-time to formulate appropriate strategies. The rise of automation in the apparel industry has increased the number of conditions for supplier evaluation, and the following is a comprehensive list of factors that should be considered when selecting a supplier:

  • Product quality and technological innovation

Production processes in the apparel industry are complex and interdependent, and any minor equipment malfunction can cause delays in the entire production line. Therefore, when choosing a supplier, selecting one with a deep understanding of the industry is essential and can provide effective customer solutions. Continuous product improvement is also an important consideration. Given that the apparel industry is the world's second-largest polluter, after the oil industry, choosing an innovative supplier committed to improving manufacturing efficiency and solving the industry's environmental problems is critical to the sustainability of the apparel industry.

  • Cost Effectiveness

In the era of Industry 4.0, choosing a cost-effective supplier is the key to increasing profitability. Comparing prices and terms of service between different suppliers to ensure the best price-to-performance ratio is essential. However, low prices should be one of many criteria for selection, as the importance of quality and service should be noticed. In the current context of Industry 4.0, only some suppliers can fulfil hardware and software requirements. In addition, considering that suppliers may outsource some of their services, it is essential to thoroughly evaluate their technical capabilities, integration capabilities, quality of outsourced services, terms and conditions, and the company's reputation and reliability when choosing a suitable supplier.

  • Supply Chain Stability

The stability of the supply chain has a direct impact on production efficiency and delivery times. Against the backdrop of global labour shortages, selecting a supplier with solid supply chain management capabilities is essential to ensure supply continuity regardless of market changes. The stability of a supplier should be measured by taking into account its track record, including the supplier's experience, reputation, market word-of-mouth, and the quality of the relationship. At the same time, its financial health, product quality, and production capacity should also be evaluated to get a complete picture of the stability of its supply chain.

  • Customer Service and Technical Support

Good customer service and immediate technical support are essential when choosing a garment machinery supplier. Suppliers should provide comprehensive after-sales service, including equipment installation, operator training and fault repair. Professional customer service can help solve production problems quickly and minimize downtime.

  • One-stop shop

Opting for a one-stop supplier can drastically streamline the procurement process, saving time and effort otherwise spent on managing multiple supplier relationships. Due to the complexity and interdependence of production processes in the apparel industry, equipment failures can lead to production line delays. One-stop service improves procurement efficiency, ensures production continuity, and supports smooth factory operations.

  • Build long-term relationships with suppliers

Building long-term, stable relationships ensures suppliers better understand and support your business needs. Long-term relationships may also lead to more cost-effective pricing and better service conditions.

  • Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility

Modern businesses are increasingly focusing on the sustainable practices and social responsibility of their suppliers. Choosing suppliers committed to environmentally friendly production and ethical labour policies helps enhance your corporate image and meets your consumers' expectations.


In the highly competitive and rapidly changing apparel industry, choosing the right supplier is no longer determined by price alone. A good supplier can provide high-quality and technologically innovative products, enhancing production efficiency and competitiveness. For the apparel industry, one-stop-shopping can significantly streamline the procurement and communication process while reducing costs.

As a leading global manufacturer of garment equipment, OSHIMA Taiwan is not only a supplier of equipment but also a solid partner in your apparel manufacturing journey. Our product range covers everything from pre-shrinking and fabric inspection machines to front-end cutting room solutions, bonding machines, ironing equipment, heat transfer machines, metal detectors, and even large boilers. In addition, in Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar and Bangladesh, we have a team of professionals on standby to respond quickly to your needs and keep your production lines running smoothly.

Our focus is not only on the supply of equipment but also on innovation and cutting-edge technology. Through ongoing research and development, we utilize artificial intelligence technology to solve the textile industry's challenges and are committed to driving environmental and sustainability progress. Choosing OSHIMA means choosing a partner who truly understands your business needs and is a solution provider.

We look forward to working with you to meet the challenges of the future and realize long-term growth and success. Please get in touch with us to learn more about how our solutions can help your business.