The history of automated cutting machines has long been linked to the textile sector, demonstrating their efficiency and precision in fabric cutting. For instance, consider how a manual process in women's clothing manufacturing, involving the spreading and cutting of 6 meters of fabric in 100 layers, typically requires two people to take about 2-3 hours to complete. An automatic cutting machine can accomplish this task in one hour with only one operator. However, the potential of these machines extends far beyond clothing manufacturing. This blog examines the broader implications of these machines in various industries, demonstrating their importance in modern manufacturing processes.

Automatic Cutting Machines in Diverse Industries

Historically linked with the apparel industry, the utility of automatic cutting machines transcends this sector. These machines are instrumental in-home textiles, medical textiles, and automotive upholstery, where precision and speed are paramount. For example, in the home textiles sector, these machines facilitate the production of items like curtains and bed linens with consistent patterns and exact dimensions. In the furniture industry, for example, what typically takes two people 40 minutes to cut a 14-meter spread can be completed by one person in just 7 minutes with an automatic cutter.

Efficiency and Precision: Core Advantages

Automatic cutting machines boost industrial productivity and accuracy. They are critical for shortening production cycles and mastering complex designs. The primary advantage of these machines lies in their ability to deliver both efficiency and consistently high quality. These machines are invaluable in large-scale manufacturing, where meeting tight deadlines without compromising quality is essential. For example, in glove production, work that would take two people 1.5 hours to cut a 1-meter spread manually is completed in just 20 minutes by an automatic machine with only one operator. This demonstrates the transformational power of automation in manufacturing operations.

Economic and Environmental Advantages: A Dual Benefit

In a real-world factory setting, the utilization of automatic cutting machines demonstrates a tangible impact on both economic and ecological fronts, significantly when cutting through 60 layers of fabric. These machines have been proven to save between 1% and 2% of fabric annually. In practical terms, a factory processing 60 layers of fabric translates into annual material savings of 1,803,000 meters to 4,807,600 meters. This level of fabric conservation leads to a significant decrease in production costs, with potential annual savings in material expenses ranging from 57,620 to 76,830 USD (numbers were provided by clients using OSHIMA’s automatic fabric cutting machines).

From an environmental perspective, reducing fabric waste contributes to a manufacturing process more aligned with sustainability goals. The efficient use of materials not only means less fabric is consumed and wasted but also implies a reduction in the environmental impact associated with the life cycle of the fabric, from production to disposal.

Economic efficiency is further evidenced in labor cost savings. Automatic machines require fewer operators, leading to a direct saving of 61,700 USD compared to the labor costs associated with manual cutting. When accounting for the annual expenditure on consumables and wearing parts for automatic machines, which is 34,390 USD, the net annual savings range from 84,920 to 104,120 USD (numbers were provided by clients using OSHIMA’s automatic fabric cutting machines).

These cost savings, alongside reducing fabric waste, underscore the dual advantage of integrating automatic cutting technology into a factory's operations. With precise cutting capabilities for significant volumes of fabric, these machines present a compelling case for enhancing production efficiency while supporting the environmental sustainability initiatives that are increasingly critical in today's industrial landscape.

Adaptability to Industry-Specific Requirements

These cutting machines have a great degree of versatility, which is an important attribute that distinguishes them in the production environment. This adaptability means they are not limited to a single, fixed purpose but can be tailored to suit various manufacturing needs across different industries.

This adaptability to industry-specific requirements ensures that a diverse array of sectors can harness the power of automatic cutting technology to enhance their production processes. Whether it's fashion, automotive, home textiles, medical textiles, or any other industry, these cutting machines can be adapted to meet the unique demands of each, thereby optimizing efficiency and productivity. This adaptability makes them such valuable assets in the manufacturing world.


Over the past decade, automatic cutting machines have transformed many production industries beyond garments. These machines speed up task completion and improve efficiency in household textiles, medical textiles, and vehicle upholstery. They have reduced production times and managed complex designs by combining great productivity and accuracy. In addition to operating efficiency, these machines save fabric and labor costs and reduce fabric waste, improving environmental sustainability. Their adaptability to industrial needs solidifies their place as key tools in modern manufacturing, optimising efficiency and productivity across many sectors.

Two standout models are the Oshima fabric automatic cutting machines M8s and TAC.

The M8s model is designed for heavy-duty applications, making it ideal for cutting outdoor, medical, and home furnishing textiles. Its robust construction and advanced technology ensure that it can easily handle the demands of thicker, tougher fabrics, maintaining precision and speed. The TAC model is tailored for the apparel industry. It excels in handling delicate fabrics, offering the precision and delicacy required for fashion textiles. Its design and functionality cater to the unique needs of apparel manufacturing, ensuring that even the most intricate patterns and designs are executed flawlessly.

Whether your focus is on heavy-duty textiles or the apparel industry, our M8s and TAC models are equipped to revolutionize your manufacturing processes, aligning with economic efficiency and environmental sustainability goals. Please get in touch with us if you are interested in cutting machine solutions.