The fashion industry’s future is being shaped by two key factors: the demand for sustainability from consumers and the necessity for more efficient processes. In response, the industry is shifting towards a production model that can meet these demands - on-demand manufacturing. This approach not only solves issues of waste and overproduction, but is beneficial for business and the environment alike. Against this backdrop, leading garment machinery suppliers like Oshima are stepping up, offering solutions that can drive this transformation.

Understanding On-Demand Manufacturing

On-demand manufacturing is a strategic approach to production where goods are made only when there is actual demand for them, contrasting with the traditional mass production model based on forecasted demand. This shift is gaining traction across industries, with the fashion industry being one of the main proponents, due to its potential benefits.

  • Sustainability

Never before has the fashion industry's call for sustainability been so strong. The traditional mass production model generates a lot of waste, whether it's in raw materials or unsold products. On-demand manufacturing aligns production with actual demand, significantly reducing overproduction and waste. This not only makes the business greener but also caters to an increasing number of consumers who prioritize sustainability.

  • Efficient stock management

Excessive inventory is a costly problem. Overproduction leads to storage needs, and when products don't sell well, price reductions are often inevitable. On-demand manufacturing produces only what's needed, making inventory control more precise, reducing storage costs, and the risk of unsold stock.

  • Quick fashion adjustments & personal touch

The fashion industry is known for its rapid pace and ever-changing trends. On-demand manufacturing allows brands to respond flexibly to these changes. Brands can quickly adjust production to meet changing customer preferences, rather than having a large stock of products that might or might not sell. This approach also opens up more customization opportunities, allowing brands to cater to individual customer's style and size requirements, enhancing the overall customer experience.

Changing how clothes are made

Traditionally, clothing manufacturers operate under a 'push' model, where production is based on forecasts and raw materials are bought in bulk. When demand does not match forecasts, this method often leads to surplus inventory and waste.

However, on-demand manufacturing follows a 'pull' model, where production is triggered by actual demand, shifting the focus of the procurement process. Materials are not bought in bulk but procured in real-time, keeping purchases in line with customer orders. This approach reduces inventory costs and waste and allows for a more flexible response to fluctuations in material costs and availability.

Oshima's impact on modern manufacturing

Embracing on-demand manufacturing requires not only a change in mindset but also the use of advanced technology. Oshima, as a leading garment equipment manufacturer, provides innovative solutions tailored to customer needs, making the on-demand manufacturing process smoother, improving efficiency, quality, and flexibility.

  • Automation

Automated machinery forms the bedrock of on-demand manufacturing. From spreading and cutting to bonding, automation drives efficiency and accuracy in the production process. Oshima's automated equipment plays a key role in facilitating manufacturing flexibility in on-demand manufacturing setups.

  • Quality Control

There is no room for faulty products in on-demand manufacturing. Each garment is shipped immediately, making pre-shipment quality inspection critical. Fabric inspection machines and needle detectors play a crucial role here, ensuring each garment is made to the highest quality standards, reducing the likelihood of returns and enhancing customer satisfaction.

  • Training and Support

Shifting to on-demand manufacturing necessitates a change in operating procedures. Garment factories need to learn how to operate and maintain new machines effectively. This is another area where Oshima excels. Oshima provides comprehensive training and support to help factories produce smoothly.

  • AI Integration

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a game-changing factor in any industry, and the garment industry is no exception. AI can optimize production, predict demand, manage inventory, and customize products, further enhancing the effects of on-demand manufacturing.


On-demand manufacturing is shaping the future of the fashion industry, driving it towards more sustainable and efficient processes. The benefits of reducing waste, improving inventory management, and increasing flexibility make it an attractive proposition for fashion brands.

Oshima is not just an equipment supplier; it is a strategic partner. From automated machinery and quality control systems to comprehensive training and system integration, Oshima provides the equipment needed for on-demand manufacturing in garment factories. Contact us to learn how Oshima's automated solutions can optimize your production process.